Newsletter Standards Language Arts Math Assignments Power Points Educational Links


Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper:

  1. When does the Annual Barbecue Cook off take place?    
  2. How often do this celebration take place?    
  3. What kind of smell did Dogzilla sniffed?    
  4. How was the scent?    
  5. How did the smell get to the top of the volcano?      
  6. What was the strange sound that was heard?    
  7. What happened to the volcano after the sound was heard?    
  8. Where was Dogzilla before coming to attack Mousopolis?    
  9. What was done when word of the mighty beast went around?    
  10. Who lead the troops?    
  11. How does the Commander refer to Dogzilla?    
  12. Who is the monstrous mutt?    
  13. What was Dogzilla’s weapon against the mice?    
  14. What is the implication on the question “what are you men or mice”?    
  15. What is “The colossal Canine”?       
  16. After following the mice to the city, what did the dog do on the streets?      
  17. What did the Big Cheese do while Dogzilla was destroying?          
  18. Who’s intelligence did they use to develop a plan?     
  19. What was the plan?    
  20. Where did the mice gather to fight Dogzilla?     
  21. What does it mean, “with all the relish he could muster”?    
  22. Who is the panicking pooch?    
  23. What happened during the year that Dogzilla didn’t attack?    
  24. What is the implication of the word puppies at the end?