Newsletter Standards Language Arts Math Assignments Power Points Educational Links


Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper:

  1. Why were Wendell and Floyd in trouble?    
  2. Why was Ms. Gernsblatt furious?   
  3. What was Mona looking for?   
  4. Why was Mona’s hat important to her?   
  5. What made Wendell and Floyd to fall in the lost and found bin?    
  6. As soon as they landed in the bottom of the lost and found, what did Floyd suggested?   
  7. Mona just found a sign. What did it say?
  8. What did Floyd warned them about?   
  9. Where did the passageway lead?   
  10. Why did Wendell say, “Some of this stuff has been lost a long time”?    
  11. In the picture on page 31 there is a sign with the name of a city, what is it?   
  12. According to the picture on page 31 where is the hat room?   
  13. How did they go across the lake?   
  14. What was at the far side of the lake?   
  15. Why did flipping a coin to choose the tunnel didn’t work?    
  16. When they got in the tunnel, what did they find?   
  17. Where was the hat room?  
  18. Once thy found the hat room what seemed to be the problem?   
  19. What was Wendell trying to find?   
  20. After they had found Mona’s hat, what seemed to be the problem?   
  21. How did they decide what door to take on their way back?   
  22. What kind of punishment did Floyd and Wendell got after all?