How to Draw Justin Bieber Easy

how to draw justin bieber easy
how to draw justin bieber easy step 1


Okay, lets get started with drawing the Bieb-man or boy. Start by making a circle for his head, and then add in the facial guidelines like so.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 2


Here you will use the facial guidelines to sketch in the beginning lining for his eyes like you see here. On the left side, sketch in the first part of his nose bridge.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 3


With your pencil, sketch in the tip eyelids and then draw in his eyeballs like so. Once that is all done, you can begin sketching out the shape of his nose starting with the nostrils.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 4


Color in the pupils like so, and then add some wrinkle or crease lines just under the eyes like you see here. You will also need to sketch out some of the lashes too.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 5


Now carefully sketch out the eyebrows like so, and then shade them in using a hair textured stroke. When that is done move to step six.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 6


Okay, I know his mouth looks funny right now, but that is only temporary. Here you will sketch out the outline of his mouth, and then draw out the cheek to the right.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 7


Sketch in the lips, and then draw out his gums and teeth like you see here. You're going to have to take your time as you do this because if you don't you will end up with Justin looking like he has horse teeth.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 8


Now you can start sketching out the shape of Justin's face starting with the cheeks and jaw line. Also include the the bottom earlobe shapes like so, and then move to step nine.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 9


Okay, everyone knows that Justin Bieber is obsessed with his hairstyle and it is even said that he spends around six hundred dollars a week just getting it trimmed and perked like he likes it. You will begin sketching out his bands, and the puffy parts of his hair on the sides of his head like so.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 10

STEP 10.

Continue to sketch out his hair to fill in the top of his head. Justin has a bowl like hairstyle or hairdo so be sure to sketch it out in this manner. Once that is done you can sketch in the feathery waves scattered around his head.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 11

STEP 11.

For your last drawing step all you have to do is sketch out the shape of his neck, and then draw in his tee shirt collar lining and some of his shoulders. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one to clean up the drawing like you see here.
how to draw justin bieber easy step 12

STEP 12.

Add some finishing touches like his beauty marks and a little shading. You are now done drawing Justin Bieber in an easy fashion. You can choose to color him in, or leave Bieber just as he is.