Start drawing Mario by drawing the basic shapes that make up his form…such as a circle for his body, and a circle for his head. These 2 shapes put together make up a number ’8′ shape.
Draw guidelines around the center of Mario’s face … draw the lines around his face as if his head were a ball. Draw the lines around his face both vertically (up and down) and horizontally (left and right).
Now start drawing Mario’s nose by drawing a circle shape. Also draw the ear by drawing a letter ‘c’ type shape.
Draw an oval shape for each eye (the right oval eye gets cut in half from the nose being in the way). Re-draw the basic shape of Mario’s face with more confident lines.
Now draw Mario’s mustache by draw 2 number ’3′ like shapes (sideways and backwards). Also draw the rim of Mario’s hat by drawing a sideways letter ‘J’ shape.