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Electronic Information Resources (EIR's) are available to some students in the mountain View School District. The District strongly believes in the educational value of EIR's and recognizes the potential of the resource to support curriculum, and argument the educational process. Our goal is to provide these services to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication.

To allow your student to participate in the use of the District EIR's, these rules and regulations must be read carefully and signed by the student, the student guardian, and the student's teacher. The signed rules and regulations must be returned to the student's teacher. By signing and returning the rules and regulations, the student is authorized by the parent or guardian to participate in an orientation training course and to use the District EIR's.

Mountain View School District will make every reasonable effort to protect students from any misuse or abuse which may occur as a result of their use of the District EIR's. Listed below are the Mountain School District EIR rules and regulations. If any student violates these provisions, that student's access to District EIR's will be restricted or denied and the student may be subject to disciplinary or legal action. (See provision #5).


I understand that I am a representative of the Mountain School District. I accept personal responsibility for using the District EIR's  in an ethical and responsible manner. I also understand I am responsible for reporting any misuse of the District EIR's to  my immediate adult supervisor. Misuse can come in any forms, but is commonly viewed as any message(s), information, or pictures sent or received that constitute pornography, include unethical or illegal solicitation, ethnic, religious, racial or sexual harassment, inappropriate language and other issues some of which are described below. All the rules of conduct described in this document apply at all times when I am using the District EIR's.

The use of an assigned account must be in support of the educational process and aligned with the educational goals and objectives of the Mountain View school District. As a user of the District EIR's I am personally responsible for following the rules and regulations at all times.

Transmission of any material in violation of federal, state or local laws or regulations is prohibited. This includes but not limited to:

Copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material or material protected as trade secrets.
Participation in product advertisement or political lobbying.
Use of the District EIR's for commercial activities by profit making institutions or other unauthorized individuals or associations.

Do not gain unauthorized access to other user's files, data, or seek to gain unauthorized access to resources or entities. Access is limited to those sources needed to carry out educational endeavors.
 The network cannot be used for personal, financial or commercial gain.

As the parent/guardian of this student I have read the rules and regulations of the use of the EIR services and understand that they are designed to augment the educational process. I understand that it is not possible for the Mountain View School District to restrict access to all controversial material and will not hold the District responsible for material acquired by my student on District EIR's. I also agree to promptly report to any knowledge of misuse of the information system to my student's teacher, system administrator or other designated person.

I give my permission for my child to be published on the District's Internet World Wide Web server. I understand that the District cannot protect my child's work against unauthorized user or copyright violations. I hold the District harmless from any damages, awards, or claims of liability resulting from my child's access to technology instruction.

I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child's use is not a school setting. I hereby give permission to issue an account for my child and certify that the information contained on this form is correct.

I understand that my child is expected to use good judgment and follow the Acceptable Use Rules as listed above. Should my child breach suggested guidelines, I understand that my child will lose all network and Internet privileges

__________________________________        ________________
  Student Signature and date                                        Parent/Guardian    Signature:                              Date:

©2006 Mountain View School District All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated December 10, 2006